Contact Shasta Orthopaedics
For contact phone numbers, location information, and directions, please visit our ‘Locations’ section below the form.
For contact phone numbers, location information, and directions, please visit our ‘Locations’ section below the form.
In most cases, you do not need a doctor’s referral to see a Shasta Orthopaedics specialist.
Partnership Health Plan, Workers Compensation and Veterans Administration plan administrators require that you have a referral.
Shasta Orthopaedics does not require a referral from any other payers.
For the safety of our patients and staff, anyone at risk of COVID-19 (coronavirus) exposure, please do not enter the office.
To better serve our patients, we have installed automatic doors at the public entrance on the parking garage level of our building.
Shasta Orthopaedics partners with Liberty Physical Therapy to provide you the most comprehensive care in the region.
P.O. Box 991950
Redding, CA 96099
Call toll-free: 1-800-727-5662
Shasta Orthopaedics