25 Feb Dr. Blackburn Leaving Shasta Orthopaedics

Dr. Blackburn will be leaving Shasta Orthopaedics and joining Dignity Health Care.
Dr. Blackburn will be leaving Shasta Orthopaedics at the end of February 28, 2021. This should not affect the continuity or quality of your care as Dr. Blackburn will be staying in the community and joining the group of providers at Dignity Health Care.
Dr. Blackburn’s departure in no way effects your relationship or treatment with any of the other providers at Shasta Orthopaedics.
Medical Records
Your medical record will remain in the custody of Shasta Orthopaedics. For your convenience, as well as the continuity and quality of your care, arrangements have been made for Dr. Blackburn to continue to have to access to your medical records. If you want Dr. Blackburn to receive a copy of your records please contact Professional Medical Copy at (530) 241-2971 or email them at helpteam@promedcopy.com.
Dignity Health has outlined that patients will be responsible for their record request costs. Concerns can be directed to Dr. Blackburn’s office at (530) 242-3500.
Dr. Brian Blackburn’s Contact As of March 1, 2021
2510 Airpark Dr., Suite 301, Redding, CA 9600