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Understanding Back Pain Seminar

Back Pain Insights to Improve Your Whole Life

Free and Open to the Public

Back and neck problems don't just hurt: they can have many other effects on our lives and overall health.

That's why Shasta Orthopaedics is presenting a free seminar to help you understand the causes of back and neck problems and learn about the latest treatment options.

Gardening And Back ProblemsFive Ways to Avoid Common Back Problems Caused By Gardening

It’s that time of year again. Warmer weather has returned, birds are singing and our thoughts have turned to growing things outside. While exercise and fresh air are generally thought of as good things, many gardening activities can lead to significant back pain. Before you put your garden gloves on and grab that shovel, prepare yourself and your body by following these five simple practices.

Back Pain In Children While back pain in adults is relatively common, children are more flexible and their bodies are more resilient, thus making back pain among that population less common. Because chronic or severe back pain can often be caused by a more serious medical problem, medical providers are more likely to treat such issues very seriously.

Here are some common back conditions that appear among children:

Scheuermann's Kyphosis (rounded back) – A common cause of middle back pain, Scheuermann's kyphosis occurs when vertebrae become wedged, causing a rounded, or hunched, back. Children with Scheuermann's kyphosis may complain of pain in the curved part of the back, and that pain may increase with activity.

Leg pain has many different causes, and while most people wouldn’t typically associate leg pain with back problems, there are several ways that the back has been linked to chronic pain in the lower extremities. If you are suffering from leg pain, a surgeon will be able to determine the cause of the pain, and create a successful treatment plan. Below are a few common conditions affecting the back or spine that often result in leg pain.