Strain or Sprain of the Knee Muscles or Ligaments

Strain or Sprain of the Knee Muscles or Ligaments

Strain or Sprain of the Knee Muscles or LigamentsAre you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • Aches in the knee
  • Stiffness of the knee muscles
  • Pain that spreads through the leg, hip, or foot

The terms strain and sprain refer to an injury to the ligaments or muscles in the knee. This condition may arise from a sudden movement or an injury. The severity of sprains and strains can vary greatly. Symptoms may also include shooting pain that spreads through the leg or feet, most likely signifying the presence of a pinched nerve.

We Can Help

If you have symptoms of Strain or Sprain of the Knee Muscles or Ligaments, contact us to schedule an appointment.