Healing from Flat Foot

Healing from Flat Foot

Healing from Flat Foot: Foot Doctor Helping People with Hindfoot Joint Sparing

Foot Doctor Helps With Foot Deformities In Shasta County

Dr. Garret Strand, DPM

Dr. Garret Strand, DPM at Shasta Orthopaedics Foot & Ankle, is one of the foot and ankle specialists who can help people in need of ankle or foot surgery.

This article examines a case study involving a 13-year-old patient who came to Shasta Orthopaedics with severe left pes planus deformity, equinus contracture, hindfoot with calcaneal valgus, forefoot abduction, and medial column collapse.

What is pes planus or “flat feet” deformity?

Pes planus, also known as “flat feet,” is a foot condition where the arch of the foot is lower than normal–or absent entirely. Some people are born with pes planus while others develop it over time.

Common issues and symptoms of pes planus include:

  • Pain and discomfort in the arch, heel, or ankle
  • Overpronation (when feet roll excessively inward)
  • Reduced shock absorption

As a doctor of podiatric medicine, Dr. Strand can help by advising patients on treatment options which may include physical therapy, footwear advice, bracing, steroid injections, and surgery.


Case Study: Addressing Pain from Severe Left Pes Planus

This teenager had navigated severe left pes planus deformity for some time. After a physical exam, Dr. Strand noticed the patient had equinus contracture, hindfoot with calcaneal valgus, forefoot abduction, and medial column collapse. The patient also had a subtle limb length discrepancy. The imaging was negative for the tarsal coalition.

Dr. Strand approached this surgery sequentially, from the center of the body (proximally) toward the furthest appendages of the body (distally).

The steps included:

  1. Gastroc recession
  2. Tendon Achilles lengthening (TAL) due to residual equinus contracture
  3. Arthroereisis, which Dr. Strand rarely uses but this patient was a perfect candidate
  4. Evans calcaneal osteotomy
  5. Cotton medial cuneiform osteotomy
  6. Kidner posterior tibial tendon advancement
  7. Spring ligament repair

Over six months later, the patient was back in supportive shoes with inserts and much more comfortable.

See more foot and ankle case studies from the Shasta Ortho Foot & Ankle Institute.

Read about more Shasta Ortho case studies performed by foot & ankle surgeon Dr. Garret Strand.