When 13-year old Katelyn Peterson of Redding learned that a close friend of the family, Lisa Franks, was battling breast cancer, she told her mother she wanted to shave her head so Lisa would know she was not alone during her fight against cancer.
Katelyn's mother, Jessica Peterson, Controller and Finance Manager at Shasta Orthopaedics, took Katelyn to a local hair salon and filmed as Katelyn went from long locks to shaved pate and posted the video on YouTube.
That was in early April. Since then, Katelyn has been inspired to start up an organization called Kids4Healing that brings together other children who want to show support for others with cancer. "I think I was meant to do something big in my life" says Katelyn. "I know I can make a difference." Katelyn and her brother Austin started a team for Relay for Life and they are now looking for sponsorships from individuals and businesses to meet their $500 goal before the event on June 7.